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Authors: Javed, Adeel
Keywords: Computer Sciences
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad
Abstract: The world is advancing in technology with great pace and software systems add the computer generated data in our real living world. In this project we will use the concept of Augmented Reality to create a game named as Catching the Hen. The main feature of my game will be to target the low hardware resource devices and put the concept of augmented reality using them. The game will use the simple camera of the android device and render the real environment images on the raw image of unity 3d in very quick time that gives the real time images. On top of it we added the virtual character designed and created in blender tool which will look like running walking and jumping hen in the real environment. Player is provided with the three different levels with the objectives to complete with in the 60 seconds of timer. The player has to achieve all the three objectives in order to win the level. The player can control the game music from the settings panel which he/she can access through the main menu like every game. Player is also provided with the help instructions about how to play the game and finding hens in the real environment and at last there is game statistics panel where he/she can see the players play record.
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