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Title: Quaid-i-Azam University Community Guild
Authors: Jamil, Shahroz
Keywords: Computer Sciences
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad
Abstract: In Quaid-I-Azam University people don‟t have any online source to give any ad for sharing their vehicle, book transport online, getting NEWS about jobs and activities of university clubs and there is a big problem to find suitable accommodation for those who can‟t get accommodation in university hostels. This project involves development of a web based system that allows users to share their vehicles with students and university members, find suitable accommodations which are offered by registered private hostels, search new jobs which are offered by university and different companies, book University‟s transport for private or official purposes, watch the activities of university‟s clubs and provides student staff support facility which contains student counselling and day care centre on a single platform. The system will be helpful for administrator to maintain information of users. This system is only for the community of Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad which contains Faculty, Students, staff members and registered hostels and companies. People get registered themselves on this platform and then are able to avail the facilities being provided. Administrative registers users, so no one except registered users can use this platform. There will always have a backup of the web application so administrators can use it in case of any web crash or data loss.
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