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Title: Optimization of Backplane Correction Studies Using 2017 Data of Compact Muon Solenoid Silicon Tracker
Authors: Khan, Adnan
Keywords: Physics
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Quaid i Azam University
Abstract: The silicon strip tracker is the central part of the CMS detector. The precise and accurate alignment of this complex tracker detector is a formidable task, and only achievable with a significant advancement in technologies. This thesis describes the Backplane Correction measurement using 2017 collision data of CMS. The CMS silicon strip tracker detector consists of four parts TIB, TID, TOB, and TEC. In this analysis, we measured the backplane correction for the TOB only. The silicon strip detectors consist of 15,148 highly sensitive modules read out by APV25 chips. The module APV25 chip can be operated in two different modes i.e peak and deconvolution modes. The alignment framework uses either track or hits taken in peak or deconvolution mode of data. This framework has introduced a shift ( u) in the deconvolution mode. In this thesis, the measurement of shift ( u) introduced by the alignment software has been studied. The average value of shift ( u) in the sensor position of TOB is 1.03 ± 0.66 μm and the Lorentz angle is approximately 0.000053 ± 0.0000058.
Appears in Collections:M.Phil

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