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Title: Idols and Ideals – Factors Influencing Behaviour Patterns and Personality Development Amongst Teenagers
Authors: Jawaid, Aisha
Keywords: Anthropology
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Quaid-i-Azam University
Abstract: Growing up is not an easy process and most definitely is not a well-defined or predetermined phenomenon. It is essential to understand not only the adolescence itself but for the sake of better future, teenage problems need equal attention as much as the environment in which the youth is growing up. Social factors including family life and academics are one way of looking at it. However, so many interrelated factors contribute to the whole growth and development phase. Although, immediate environment has much stronger impact, the secondary stimuli are of significant, if not equal, importance. To recognize and understand the process of adolescence, all the factors need attention and understanding in accordance. Through qualitative research tools like in-depth interviews and observation, this research focused on the factors that affect and contribute in the process of personality development and behaviour changes among teenagers. With the recognition of the main factors, the magnitude of their effect and their significance is easy to determine which is very helpful in establishing stable environment and supportive patterns for growth and development. Adolescence is a universal phenomenon and it is important to understand that this phase sets course for further life phases and development. Extensive research on the topic will show how much each factor contributes including the environmental and cultural differences. However, each individual has its own way of coping, dealing, understanding and modifying with the changes and the process of development. Some things can only be understood or studied, however, they cannot be predetermined nor completely controlled, adolescence and teenage is one of such things in human life.
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