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Keywords: Sociology
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad
Abstract: flIiteracy is one of tile main problems in developing part,~· of the world. Thousands 0/ innocent children are I1l1able to go to schools becCII/sc 0/ household poverty. Children leave the edllcafional institllfions and decide to join labor markets due to poverty, unemployment, 10Ul house/wid incollle, and large family size. 17wse all/actors force children to leave the school and join the labor forces at early ages. The objectives of this stll(~)1 were to know the socia-economic background 0/ children 's families and rhe main obstacles faced by children in gelling proper education. The Human Capital TheOl:Y (HCT) was applied /01' testing the hypothesis. In the present research, 200 respolldents were selected through pllrposive sampling techniqlle (111£1 they wel'(! interviewed through semi-structured inlerview schedule comprising on ab01If 45 close elided questions. The study rcvealed (hat, lII o.l'tly working children cOl/ld 1101 enjoy good grades due 10 household poverty. Mostly working children's parents were unemployed. and laborers. 71wre were several/actors responsible for children uns(lli4aclolY educational peljormonce such as: unemployment. low wages. poverty. large household size, and high population were Ihe!ew lIIosl prominel1l causes. The alternate hypothesis was 10 seek the relationship between parental incollles and their children's educational all/comes. In present research, Ihe alternate hypothesis lIIas accepted because; overwhelming /11(y'oriZy of lLlorkil1g children replied tllal low monthly hOl/se hold income was (he main calISe of their IInsatis/acIOl:Y educational outcomes,
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