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dc.contributor.authorSarwar, M. Shahid-
dc.description.abstractOnline Case Management System for Lawyers (portfolio for firm) is a web-based application. This web-based application allows users to interact with each other on a single platform. Lawyer can easily manage and can maintain cases relevant information. Lawyer can check the status of different cases either it is pending, ongoing or closed. Lawyer can search the old cases easily by remembering the judge name or by client name and many more, the great search facility is provided to the lawyer and they can use searched cases information for the new cases when needed. Lawyer can easily find out details of opponent lawyer by considering the case details and can figure out the way with opponent lawyer for settlement when both parties got agreed on some terms and conditions. System can easily list cases under different courts added by lawyer. Clients can easily get appointment with the lawyer online and avoid future inconvenience. Lawyer can schedule reminders for their meetings with the clients. Lawyer can share the pictures of events which he /she had organized. Lawyer can share the news about their cases and about bar activities so that clients come to know about the reputation of lawyer. Lawyer can share the details of their staff with clients. Clients often find it difficult to find the office. By sharing the information about offices, clients can easily find out the officeen_US
dc.publisherQuaid-i-Azam Universityen_US
dc.subjectComputer Sciencesen_US
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