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Keywords: Electronics
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Quaid-i-Azam University
Abstract: In this global world according to World Health Organization (WHO) around 37 million of people are blind and the blind people always depend on external source such as trained dogs, a walking stick and a person always with them for such kind of help. But now a days the living standard is increased of this generation and how we can forgotten to physical disable people, the blind people are one them. Thus we motivated to develop a stick for blind person. We are able for this object by using program on Arduino Uno board, the ultrasonic-sensor (HC-SR04) and water detect sensor in the specific place of stick. The distance sensor used to detect an obstacle on the path and water sensor also detect the water which present on the way, then it gives message in outputs through the signals of buzzer and vibrator motor to alert the blind person. This device detects, the distance from an object within the range of 3 meters and also we can change program (code) on Arduino to increase or decrease the distance range. Finally, we named to this device “The Intelligent Stick for blind person”. Key components: Arduino Uno with Microcontroller ATmega328, HC-SR04 Ultrasonic sensor, Water sensor, Vibrator motor, Buzzer, Veroboard, White cane stick, Arduino software for coding etc.
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