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dc.contributor.authorAhmad, Muhammad-
dc.description.abstractThe LI-IC at CERN will be t.he largest lr-faclol'Y ever built. The decay B~ --+ J/1/J¢--+ J.t+ J.c f(+ f( - is chosen os a benchmark channel since it is representative of exclusive B physics st.udics.In t.his dissertation, we performed the generator level study of the channel ~ -- J /1/)(P - 11.+ 11- - I(+!(- at eMS using a specialized bb generator ca lled SHvlUB and usi ng Bt.oVVana fo r Root analysis. The generator level dist.ribuLions of 120000 events of ~ - J/l/J¢ _ J-L+J1,- 1( +1( - were st.udied, in parl.icular t.heir helieiLy angle distributions which were not possible to be studied using only PYTH IA, QQ and CMSSW. Hence t.hey arc uscfull for the analysis of rca) data when t.he detect.or will become operat.ional.en_US
dc.publisherQuaid-i-Azam University Islamabaden_US
dc.titleGenerator Level Study of the Decay B -----> J N ¢ -----> f.L+ f.L- K + Ken_US
Appears in Collections:M.Phil

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