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Keywords: Gender Studies
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: Quaid i Azam University
Abstract: The interest in this topic is manifold. My mother is a teacher. J found that female teachers are ignored because they are working in public sphere as well as in domestic sphere at the same time, but our society does not give attention to their work. They have to work for long hours and they find a little time for rest. So I wanted to highlight the problems of female teachers due to double burden how they are coping with these problems. Secondly, the little amount of studies, which has been done on the women 10 Pakistan, is mostly on the agriculture women. Most important this is that, being the student of gender studies, J made utmost try to conduct this research in feminist perspective. As we know that our society is patriarchal. Here all the ru les and regulations are in the favor of men. Women are totally ignored here. It is stereotype in our society that domestic work is women's responsibility. If women are working in public sphere, yet domestic sphere is considered the responsibility of women, and males are considered to be separate from the domestic sphere. Due to socialization women have also patriarchal mindset. They do not admire, if men work in domestic sphere. There is a need to aware people on this topic so that they may know how this problem (burden of work) negatively affects their lives. So I hope that this study wi ll be useful for our society as well as, especially for women. This study will bring conscious among female teachers about their importance. As a student, I cannot bring change at broader level, but I think that awareness is the first step for social transformation.
Appears in Collections:M.Sc

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