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Authors: Hussain, Sajid
Keywords: Earth Sciences
Issue Date: 2009
Publisher: Quaid i Azam University
Abstract: Migrated seismic sections of Sinjhoro area consist of ten seism ic lines(Two strike lines and eight dip lines) and wells CHAK63-01 and BARHUN-Ol were provided by Directorate General of Petroleum Concession (DGPC). Dip lines are NE-SW oriented and strike lines are .directed NW -SE. Five prominent reflectors named Ranikot, Khadro, Parh, Lower GOfU and Chiltan are marked at the seismic sections on the basis of VSP data of well TTAKEEM DAHO. Synthetic Seismogram are also generated and correlated with their nearest seismic lines correspond ing to the shot point for the conformation of the horizons. The correlat ion of Synthetic seismogram do not indicate a good match because the avai lable wells from which synthetic seismograms are generated do not lie on any of the seismic I ine used in interpretation. The interpreted sections show that the deformation in the area is caused by extensional tectonics. Horst and Graben are interpreted on the seismic sections and horsts are the favorable structures for hydroc<;lrbon in the study area. Two way travel time contour map of Lower Goru Formation shows four prominent Horsts and two Grabens. The horst laying in NW may be the zone of attention for hydrocarbon and the time contour map of Chiltan Formation represents three closures of the contours bounded by two fau lts suitable for hydrocarbon. The depth contour map of Lower Goru Formation has sim ilar behavior as that of time contour map. Stratigraphic cross section map is prepared using wells data of Chak63-0 1, Hakeem Daho and Barhun-O I which depicts that the fOlmations are dippi ng towards south in the study area. Interval velocities models are generated to observe the variation of velocities with time in th e subsurface. The Interval velocity models indicate that there are patches of low velocities indicating probable hydrocarbon zones . Tlu·ee dimensional modeling of elastic attributes is carried out by Rockworks 2006(Software) for reservoir delineation. The 3-D models of Poisson Ratio, Vp/Vs ratio, indicate the presence of hydrocarbon zones where these attributes are characterized by high values and the models of P-wave impedance and S-wave impedance designate the presence of hydrocarbon zones where these attributes are characterized by low valu es. Seismic.Attri~ute ana lysis are also carried out for the c ha racteriza ti on & discrimina ti on of reservo irs in Sinjhoro area. The abrupt changes in frequency and phase suggest the prese nce o f' hydroca rbo n. The hi gh water saturation va lues for Barhun-Ol di sgrace the qua lity of the reservo ir fo r a spec ific range. The low values of sha le volume for bo th the well s sugges t th at the po ros ity in certain reservo ir ranges are hi gh and consequence the mo re acc Llmulati on of' hyd rocarbo n.
Appears in Collections:M.Phil

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