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Title: Role of NGOs in Empowerment of Women (A Contradiction in-terms) a case study of NGO "WESS" Quetta Balochistan Pakistan.
Authors: KHAN, IMRAN
Keywords: Electronics
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: Quaid i Azam University
Abstract: The aim of the present study was to explore the major factors and problems that women workers face in different NGO and the actual role ofNGOs in their empowerment. Study further explored the motivational factors for women joining these organizati ons and their experiences with in the organization setup. It also investi gated the invo lvement or women in making decision regarding the NGOs in their diffe rent proj ects. The analysis of the study further tried to explore the patriarchal mind-set of people working within the organization as well as in community, the power game which further explains the status of both men and women in the society; and to uncover prevalent cultural practices and the ir refl ection on the working or NGOs as how they cope with stereotypical ass umption abo ut women being weaker sex and being superi or sex. Along side this study vi ill lead to the discovery of some hidden and less di scussed findings as unawareness of rights among majority of women, NGO as gate opener and basic step towards women empowerment and the belief system which includes the misi nterpretation of religion and Cll I ture. For this purpose this study included in-depth intervie\;vs as a method for data co ll ection. and the study concluded that empowerment is long process but double standards. patriarchal attitudes, no say in decision making, the structures are male-centered in the case of women. Women empO\,verment is myth and contradi ction as most of the people working in the organization are not sincere and competent to impJcmen t program effectively. But still the interesting fact is th at GO are gate opener for 1110st of the women, and women \"'ere recogni zing the fact that this organ iza tion makes them aware of their surroundings and outer world. But this was also fact that the gaps still lying in the mindsets of majority of the people and the stereotypes still are the barriers fo r women development and empowerment.
Appears in Collections:M.Sc

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