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Authors: | Anwar, Muhammad |
Keywords: | Psychology |
Issue Date: | 2004 |
Publisher: | Quaid I Azam university Islamabad |
Abstract: | The sllldy aflel11jJls (a) to .lind 011/ the ex/en! /0 lI'hkh liking (!( Ie/cl'ixirm commercial.\' (TV ad\) perJaining 10 Fa.w Moving Con.wmel' vomb' (FMC 'Us) leads fO formation of positive: hr(md "Ifill/de. (h) to study the impact (!llncl!nlive TV (Ids 017 consumer's Brand Loyalty. (e) to analyze the e.flecl.\' qj" Emotional lIml InjiJrll1alional Appeals oITV ad.,' on consumer,\" Flllllre Purchase Intent and (£I) fa ({nalyze (he illllwel of Liking olTV ad,', Brand AI/ill/de. Brcll7d Awareness (mel Pllrd1llse Inlent on viel1'er's Brand LOYlI/fy. Pal'f I deals with .\'elec/ion (!l.Wlmple TV ads .. mmple vie,!'!!,..\, lIml development a/instrument. Ajier IWl'il1,l! decided ahout/he population paramelel's (!/'TV ad\', representative sample ad.\' were! drall'l1 through /llItlli phased prcu.. : e.\'s Iwsed on {/ number ofsnwff studies including categories l~llltfS, ,'ielec:tiol1 (?lFMC0 ad\', degree (?l liking aITV ads. Fequency (~f con.wwplion. contel1l appe"I.\' (?/ml\', These ,\'wdie,\' were conducted on J 5 euch girls and hoys (d'PO,\,tgrudlla(e level students l?l Quuid-i-AzClIII University, Islamahad. The effort entailed s!torf-li,'iting (~lI2 ads indudin/.: six N(}I1- Incentive and six Incentive "0/1111Wn.:i,,'s (IX ,WIll/pie mix, The sample lIiell'ers I ()() each girls and boys ,lillldents of post gradl(ate level l'e,\'idil1J.: in university hoslels lI'ere selectedfrom five puhlic," universi/ie.\' (?l Paki.\'/a11. i,e" one euch ji'om the jimr pmvim:es andfederal capiltll, The development f?/'im'lrUlI1ent envisaged preparation l?f'indigel7olls sctlll!S for the study, These inc:/lIdl!d Brand Attilllde, Brand Awareness and Purchase Intent scale, TV (Id\' Likeability ,H:lIle, viewer,\, Brc~nd Loyalty sClIle,\'and TV ad\' lIppeals scales, Question statel1len/,\' were taken FOIl1 II hank (!f'lJllesliol'/s (lI1d .w.:a/es jhr ell.\y reference (IS suggested hy Engel etlll (/995), lIml cCllegories (?f'lU/,r l\'l!re lakenji'oll! lisl of emotional appeal (?f TV lI!l\" liS sliggested hy Pe/smacker & Geuem' (/997) lind class{[icalion ,\yl'tem (~r i'~f(Jr/lla/iol1(f1 cues and I'lItioltal appeal (!l TV (Ills Kil'en hy Resnik lind Sfl!1'I1 (1977). Final se/e(:liol1 (~l questionnaire \I'm done: thnlllKh ." Il~l!,e.\' empirical evaluation process, in whic.:h six Judge,\' were sholl'n vidl!o clipping (~l VI recorded ad.\· and 1I11:Y were asked to ewilllate holl' /ew gil'f.'n (/llestioll statell/ents 1I'('re instituted in the cOlKerned scale. They were al.w I'eqllesletito indh:ule degree l{appeul jinmd in the ads c:orre.\lJOnding wilh the question stutell1eJ71s ."'1£1 the categw)I (~l(ld on j point raring scale where I repre,,'enfed minimum lIml 5 denoted maximulI1, II lI'ClS hypothesized th,,,: Liking (~l TV ads will lead 10 /iml1alion (~rpOSil;ve Brand AI/illlde. enhancement of Brand Aw"rene."s unci improved Pllrcha.H! Il1tent: Dill.' III Liking ({TV ads viewers' Future Purcha.\'e Intent will he higher than Prel'iolls Pl/rclwse Pal/ern: Due to the impact of Emolional and "~/iJrnwlion Appeal.,' (~l TV ads, viewers' Fulure Purchase Inlent will be higher than Previolls Purchase Pal/ern: Due to Ihe impact (~l f"ctors of Emotional and In/iJrmational Appeals (?lTV ad,', FlIIlfre PlIn.:hase In/enl will be higher than Previous Plirchuse PUllern: Liking (~r Im:entive TV lids will le(lll to higher Future Brand Loyalty; and Impll(:t (~f' Brand Allill/de. Brand Awareness, Purchase Intent (md Liking (~r TV ads will lead to Brand LoyallY. In part /I the instrument was administered upon randomly selected 20() viewers inr.:luding I (J() each girls and boys of postgradllClfe level silldems residing in IInil'l:I"sit)' hoste/.\', The c/(lI(I was collected from .live puhlic lmivel'si/ies (?f' Pakistan, The analysis wa." c.:ol1lpleted /Ising Mean, SD. paired t-test, coe.Oicienf and 1IIlIIIiple regression analysis, The analysis showed th(lt Liking (~r TV ads leads to jiml1l1tion (?f'posilive Brand AllillIde. enhanced Bnmd Awareness (fml increllsed PUl"dllls(.' In/ention. Til{' d"fa provided el'i&'I1(.'(.' Ihat dlle 10 Liking ql TV ad,' viewers FWllI't' Purchase 11111.'111 was i17£'1'c!(lsed It WetS also found that exposure of incenlive ads improved the FlIfllre Purclwse Intent or the viewers, however incentives indicated hailer impact on ~irl.\' as "(1I11pared /tJ hoy,,', Similarly the impact l~f Emotional Appeal (~l TV ads was 1II0re pronounced on girl,," FlIIure Purchase Intent and impact (~rll?liJrmll/ional Appeal l?f'at/.,· 1t'1iS haller/iw hoy.'" Future Purchase Intent. The ,WlIdy/imnd that Incen/il'e TV (It/s showed least imp(ld on viewers' Brand Loyalty. It was also /hlfnd that 8r",ul Alii/litle, Brand Aw(w(,l1es,,', Purcha,\'e Inten/lInd Liking ({TV mls £Ire the ."ignlliclll1l predictors (?rBrand Loyalty, |
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