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Title: 2d-intigrated seismic interpretation, Petrophysical and facies analysis and Estimation of rock physics of Badin Area, Pakistan
Authors: Arshad, Hira
Keywords: Earth Sciences
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Quaid I Azam university Islamabad
Abstract: The present study pertains to the structural and Stratigraphy interpretation, attributes analysis, petrophysical analysis and estimation of rock physics of Badin area. The data used for this study consists of seismic data, navigation data and well logs data. Badin area is prominent in the Lower Indus Basin for its hydrocarbon (oil and gas) structural traps. The Seismic lines were acquired and processed by POL. For interpretation of these seismic lines two reflectors and normal faults were marked by using the interactive tools of Kingdom software, polygon construction, two way time contour and depth contour are also the part of the seismic data interpretation. The marked horizons were identified using formation tops from wells and their depths were confinned through correlation with synthetic seismogram from Density log (RHOB) and sonic log. From time and depth grids time and depth contour maps of the horizons that are marked were generated to understand the spatial geometry of the structures and the nature of geological structures as identified by the seismic section of the area. Normal faulting as identified on seismic sections confirmed that study area lies in extensional tectonic regime. The resulted seismic interpretation of these lines confirmed Horst and Grabben structures by normal faulting. Horsts or the elevated portions in the structure are suitable place for the accumulation of hydrocarbons. Seismic attributes analysis of seismic section helps in identifying the different lithological boundaries and also confirmed the structural disturbance. By using well data estimation of rock physics and petrophysical analysis are also possible for identification of accumulation of hydrocarbons. Facies analysis is performed by using well log data for identifying the variations in the lithology of reservoir rock and also for marking the possible zone of hydrocarbons accumulation.
Appears in Collections:M.Sc

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