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Title: Adaptation of home inventory (infant version) for Pakistani children
Authors: Shah, Sarwat
Keywords: Psychology
Issue Date: 1993
Publisher: Quaid I Azam University
Abstract: The purpose of the l'8sesl'ch was to adapt the HONE Inven to.l'Y (Infant Vel'sion) for Paki stani c hildren so 8S to see its applicabilitJ'/genenllizability in this country. 111so to see if there W81'e gendel' Bnd socioeconomic sL.,t tls (SES) differences on the Inventory. For the tryout of thi s inven tory~ a sample of 10 infan ts (5 boys and 5 girl s) fr om 10 families r"ere taken . Fo.!' the DJain study data. r,'81:'e collected from 50 £8mi 1 i es (25 boys and 25 gil'1s) El'om uppel' middle and lower middle (SES) on the basis of g'Nldes or then equivalent to these dl'sdes the family monthly income . Tile instrument used was HONE Invent ol'Y which is al1 observationcum- interview technique. For the analysi s of the data correlation coefficient~ t - test and ANOVA techniques wel'i~ used. The findings of this study indi (:ltte that thel'e r.Jas a highly significBnt difference fol' the two SES groups on HONE Inven tory (total and subscales) at J..1 <.001 , whe reas there we r e no significant diffel'ence in g'endel' on the HONE. Fo r KR- 20 the correlations wel'e significant on the total find two subscales Play matel'ials and Involvement o f the HONE. Ano va findings showed that there were signi f icant diffe r e nces (p <.05) on the total and sllbscales of HONE In ventoJ'Y w.i th fathers' and mothel'S' education, fathers' and mothers' occL/pa ti on and birth OJ'del' of the child.
Appears in Collections:M.Phil

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