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Title: | Organic group separation and characterization of petroleum source rock extracts and crude oils by chromatographic and spectroscopic methods |
Authors: | Pervez, Muhammad |
Keywords: | Chemistry |
Issue Date: | 1996 |
Publisher: | Quaid I Azam University |
Abstract: | In the Atlas of NOl,th enl Tunisia stratifol"lll lead and zim' sulphide minel'alization 'lccu .. in laminated hlaek shales of tlH.' Cenomanian-Tunmian Bahloul Fonllatioll and as Bou (;rinc on'hocly alon~ a fault systcm throu~h Crdal~tOUS series. TIH' a~c, IIIl'chanism of minel'alization anti source of organic matter is still controversially discussl'd . The lH'ecipitation of hasc metals as sulphidcs in sediments I'c<juil'cs oq~anic matter as hydl'o~en SOUlTe hoth in thermochemical (Ahiolo~ical) and haduial (Biological) sulphatc rcduction. Bahloul Formation is an l'H~cllent l'X:IIUpk to study this phenomena, Threc scl'ies of 97 samplcs, were investigated with raJl~l' of geochcmical techniques: -Dctermination of total eal:hon (TC), total ol'ganic carhon (TOC), total sulphur (TS) hy LCl~O Ca"hon-Sulphtll' Detenllinatol'. -I~ock-E":II Pyrolysis of all the th,'ee sel'ks. - I~xtraction of hitUlllen with C H2Ci2 hy Soxhlet apparatus, -Separation of or~ank ~roups (lIyclt'ocadwJls) hy Column Chr'oll1atography (eC) into aliphatic, aromatic, hctero (NSO compounds) and asphaltenes. -(;as ch,'omato~raphy «;e) of aliphatk and aromatic fractions, -Derivation of NSO fnlctions and their Gas dlromatognlphy. -(;as chromatography and Mass spedromeh'y of selected sampll~s. -Biolll~II'kl'r identitication and quantitication in aliphatic fradions hy GC-MS. -Identitil'ation of individuall~ompollnds in hyd"oearhon fnldions (~J'CIups) hy (;C and GC-MS. Core, r'e,~sentativl' samples frolll on'hody and third sl'ries Wl'l'l' also invcstigatl'd hy (hgank Pelt'o~nlphy (Reflcet:lI1ce/Fluon~ sl'encc Minosl'opy), Inoq~anic geochemical analyst's hy X-I~ay Fluon'scellce (XRF) for ma.ior (Na, Mg, AI, Si, P, S, K, Ca, Ti, Mn '-'" Fe) and trace (V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Rh, Sr, Zr, Ba, Ph, Th, Sc & Cd) eklllcn(s and isotopic dctenllinations hy Mass spectromet<~r (C '-'" 0 of carhonate, C isotopy of extnlet and kero~en) wen' made for representative samp!t's f,'om thn'e scrics, Analytical data ohtaincd from organk gcochemkal, inoq~ank gcochl~J1lical "mlly,'ics, isotopic determinations and microsCClpic measurements/ohservations were interpl'dl'd and ploHed to estahlish (liffl'n'lIl relationships and corrchltions to investigate thc followings: v -Richness, quality and maturity of organic matter. -O r igin and soun'c of organic mattcr. -Organic matter typing in scdiments of Bahloul Formation and Bou G rinc orehody. -Depositional environment of organic mattel". -llydmcarhon (petroleum) potential of Bahloul FOI"mation. -The abnonnal hiodegradation (Al'Omatic hydrocarhons dcgraded pr'ior to aliphath.' hydr"oc:lI"hons). -Altl~rati on in miner"al composition. -Mechanism of mineralization with rcfl~r"enCe to or"ganic matter. -Corrdation of hiodegradation and mineralization. Good correlation havc hecn found among the data coming from diffcrent an;,lytical techniques. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/22625 |
Appears in Collections: | Ph.D |
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