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Title: Exploring the Perception of Women Empowerment among employees of Faith Based and Secular Organizations
Authors: Risha Fatima
Keywords: Anthropology
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Quaid I Azam University
Abstract: The study aims to explore the perception of the employees of the faith based and secular organizations on the concept of women empowerment. This is a multi-sited research and employs qualitative research methods such as in-depth semi structured interviews, case studies, focused group discussions (FGDs) and participant observation, audio-visual and informal discussions to collect data from a sample of 26 employees. The sample was selected by using random sampling method. All these methods were applied to gather more reliable data. The faith-based organization selected for this study is Al Huda International, and the secular organization is Aurat Foundation; both the organizations are located in Islamabad. This research envisions perspective on women empowerment of the employees of the organization who work to empower women. The objective of the research was to be able to get the knowledge about the history of the organizations, that in which circumstances these organizations laid their foundations, about the projects and programs which empower women in these organizations were investigated. Al Huda International claims to facilitate women by providing them with the knowledge of the religion Islam, So, that they can be enlighten about their rights which shariah (Islamic code of life) has given to them. They help women by educating them, by emotionally them Quranic verses and Hadith (sayings of the holy prophet). They assist welfare grants to those women who meet the required criteria developed by the organization, which includes those who do not have parents or any guardian, are deprived from jobs and shelter, or if they are divorced or widowed. Aurat foundation’s motive is to empower women. They have four components which are information, capacity building, advocacy and grants through these they empower women. There are multiple programs of Aurat Foundation which are working for the growth and development of women. They try to aware women of their ii rights, by educating them about the laws which are for women, making women learn skills to become entrepreneurs and to develop leadership qualities to be fully empowered. However, employees of both the organizations believe that there is a long way to go for a woman to get fully empowered in Pakistan.
Appears in Collections:M.Phil

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