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Keywords: Anthropology
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Quaid I Azam university Islamabad
Abstract: The topic selected for this research is “Impact of Skin Color on Women Self-esteem”. The discrimination based on skin color is so deeply rooted in Pakistani culture that we hardly recognize it at times. This prejudice is making women’s lives frustrating who have already been victims of inequalities. In this regard this research has been conducted to access the beliefs, understanding and attitudes towards colorism, how self-esteem of women is affected by the discrimination on the basis of skin-color, how this color perception of being light and dark has come about. The following issues were investigated in the research; how beauty standards influenced the lives of women? how women’s Self-esteem is influenced by skin color? and also to examine the negative consequences of colorism on women’s psychological health. Semi structure interviews were used. Thirty female students from Quaid-e-Azam University, age group 18-26 of BS, MSc, and MPhil students through the help of the purposive sampling technique were selected. Complex due to beauty advertisements, role of culture in promoting fair skin, Side effects of skin lightening products, Fair skin is given preferential treatment, low self-esteem of darker women’s and psychological consequences of discrimination are some of the issues that arose from this study. The present study revealed a link between colorism and self-esteem. According to contradictory results, Women with non-preferred skin tones had lower self-esteem. Beauty advertisements capitalize on women's insecurities by promoting the idea that a lighter complexion is more attractive than a darker complexion. This results in anxiety, low self-esteem and low self confidence in women.
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