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Keywords: Defence and Strategic Studies
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Quaid I Azam university Islamabad
Abstract: China has accelerated its naval modernization in recent years. There are many factors behind this modernization drive. This dissertation is an attempt to understand Chinese naval modernization. The dissertation looks into why China is modernizing its navy. What are Peoples Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) accomplishments in recent years? The dissertation then looks for implications of this modernization on Australia. This section of the study is an important contribution because this part of the world has not been looked into while analyzing Chinese naval modernization. The rise of China in many ways is impacting political, economic, and security dynamics around the world but particularly in Asia-Pacific (Indo-Pacific). Australia is one of the country in this region which is not an exception in this regard. Data is collected through primary and secondary sources. Besides, reviewing the literature data is collected through elite interviews and policy documents of China and Australia. This study concludes that besides acquiring naval capabilities China has also enhanced the scope and missions of PLAN over the years. Challenges posed by other nations in the region is prompting China to modernize its navy. This in turn enhances security concerns in Australia which is always wary of securing its territorial integrity. Australia in response to these developments has embarked on the path of modernizing its own forces. It has bolstered its alliances with the United States and other partners.
Appears in Collections:M.Phil

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