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Keywords: Anthropology
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Quaid I Azam university Islamabad
Abstract: The current examination goes under the space of financial and Anthropology. The point of this research is to explore those functioning regions where transgenders were taken advantage of during work. Further, it additionally takes up the household dynamics of transgender community and how they practice their rituals and ceremonies. In the first chapter, the researcher has tried to explain the introduction and the problem of the study. While the 2nd chapter focuses upon the relevant literature on the topic. In the 3rd Chapter Area profile has been discussed briefly. The 4th chapter discusses the research methodologies which are used during the field work. The 5th Chapter is about the Socioeconomic status of the transgenders and their community. In this chapter, those areas are explained where the transgenders live and how they manage their economic conditions. Chapter 6th will focus upon the religious rituals and ceremonies. In this chapter, it is discussed how they perform their rituals practices and what are their beliefs. And the 7th chapter is the focuses upon the summary and conclusion of the overall study.While this was an effort made by the researcher to explore some sort of information through anthropological research base study about the household dynamics of transgender community.
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