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Title: Impact of Marital Breakup on Children (A Case Study of District Haveli Forward Kahota AJK)
Authors: Raana Rashad Rathore
Keywords: Anthropology
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Quaid I Azam university Islamabad
Abstract: Impact of Marital Breakup on Children is my research topic and the objective for the selection of this topic is to highlight the issues that children face after their parents separation. The study primarily demonstrates a socialisation process that differs significantly from that of typical children. It is an attempt to anthropologically analyse the lifestyles of divorced children and hurdles they are facing in their daily life concerned with their careers. The research was done in union council Saangal in Haveli Forward Kahota AJK where divorce rate is high. Participant observation, In depth interviews and focus group discussions were conducted with the help of convenient sampling and interview guide. This study emphasizes the role of parents in child rearing. Some parents are dealing with big life upheavals, such as divorce. Children are the most impacted, and it can cause mental issues, suicidal thoughts, stress, and trauma. The lack of communication between parents and children results in weak bonds and relationships. Their education has been affected at the same time. Children in these conditions may engage in inappropriate behaviour, such as drug, alcohol, or sexual activities. It is an attempt to anthropologically analyze the lifestyles of divorced children and provide solutions to make their life easier and more ethical. Key terms Divorce, stress, drug addictions, sexual activities, grooming, health, separation, anxiety, locale, research, objectives.
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