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Title: The Role of Nuclear Weapons in Global Strategic Affairs: Nuclear Optimism versus Nuclear Pessimism
Authors: Khaleeque Ahmed
Keywords: Defence and Strategic Studies
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Quaid I Azam University Islamabad
Abstract: The study explores the role of nuclear weapons in global strategic affairs from the lens of nuclear optimism and nuclear pessimism. Global strategic environment is significantly controlled by great powers with huge military, economic and political capabilities. Since the world war-II, power politics is largely governed by the presence of nuclear weapons in the world. This study addresses few questions; what is the role of nuclear weapons in Global Strategic affairs while looking into the case study of Pakistan's strategic calculus? How nuclear weapons are considered as prescription of optimism in strategic dynamics? How nuclear weapons are recognized as harbinger of pessimism in contemporary strategic affairs? What is the future of nuclear order in global power dynamics vis-a-vis pessimist’s approach? To look for the answers of these questions, vast data was analyzed through qualitative research method. Further, to substantiate the topic for the relevance of strategic studies, deterrence theory was interpreted concerning the propositions and attributes of nuclear weapons in strategic affairs. Apart from this, the study addresses the particular cases relevant to the each analysis mentioned in the variables. The topic is in generic nature and the study illustrates important points that have not been addressed in sufficient way in existing literature. The study demonstrates the key findings appeared during the extension of key aspects of research variables. Lastly, study shows the recommendations in order to establish the stable and peaceful world via pragmatic and substantial measures within international system.
Appears in Collections:M.Phil

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