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Title: Fall of Nationalist Parties: A decade of Populist Politics in KP (2012-2022)
Authors: Anwar Haseeb
Keywords: Pakistan Studies
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Quaid I Azam University Islamabad
Abstract: Politics has been polarized and bad governance have risen due to growing rise in populist politics in Pakistan. With the rise of populism and lack of leadership, there has been bad effects on democracy as well as political parties’ evolution. Previous research has tangible data over the crises of democracy and political parties rise and fall. But it lacks the correlation of impacts of left wing and right wing political parties’ politics on each other and key role its leadership. Sources used for collecting data include newspapers, opinion based on columns, magazines, reports, contents based on electronic as well as print media in order to make analysis of the data and make key findings during the decade 2012 2022. Contrary to political differences between political parties, populism and its different shapes coupled with personality cult and leadership crises have added to governance crises. The findings of this study indicates that governance issue and crises of democracy can not be only explained through conflict between the parties and their role, but the rise of populism and leadership crises also have a major contribution to the problem.
Appears in Collections:M.Phil

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