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Keywords: Anthropology
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Quaid I Azam University Islamabad
Abstract: Since the birth of man, he has blessed with the instinct of urging and achieving better and better for him. This natural instinct of man has kept him on move throughout his life. Man has migrated in search of greater opportunities and a better life all the time and whenever he was provided with an opportunity, he seized it in no time. The very instinct gave birth to migration both on small and large scales. Migration was driven by many complex factors, including; to earn a better livelihood, to live in a more agreeable environment, or to join family or friends abroad. Migration is an economic and social phenomenon. It affects to those who move, those who left behind, also the destination, and the source countries in different ways. Migration is process to move from one place to another with the hope of improvement in the living condition. The main purpose of the present research is to analyses the impact of migration families left behind. A sample size of 50 respondents was selected from th.e target population to the study, researcher also conducted five case studies and three focus group discussions conducted by the respondents. Frequency tables and themes were generated for the analysis of the data. The results of the present study depicts that the economic, health, infrastructure, women's autonomy and as well as decision making of the respondents has been enhanced in a positive significant way. While on the other side emotional and psychological as well as schooling of children was affected in a negative way that leads towards tension, stress, anxiety and some other related problem of marital adjustment as well. In the absence of husbands, females have to perform some additional work, which leads to over burden, and stress for them. The overwork load also affects them physically also influencing the traditional gender roles in the source areas. In the nuclear families, after migration females become the head of households and more autonomous after the migration of their husbands.
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