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dc.contributor.authorUsman Ali-
dc.description.abstractThe willingness to donate organs alter death is not widespread ill our country. P'ukist>ltl " fhe ratio ofdellland increasing day by day as compJred to supply. The ClUTenl study is "bOll! [hI: world view of the people "bOlil organ dOn<llion regarding Ihl:I" pcn:t:1'\1I11l, t·.\PU~lLfC. eeciUC31ion Mel other social and cultural l'a\.:lors like I~unily, s~ienll li\: belie!:' lind rell~IVl1 elc. What are the thinking patterns of the people about organ dOllJlion(attl!r death). My research type wns qualitative and 1 collected Ihe data by in-depth inlt"rvif"w. Tht: [on Is nne! techniques wh ich are used in current st udy in order to collect data from the fci ld are rapport building, partici pant observation. inlervit:w guide. in-depth interviews, probing. recording and reild notes. All these lools and techniques tilcilitatcd the rcsearcher in dnla colleclion. The resu lts me interpret through qll<1lilHtive anal ysis lIsing themalic intcrprct;Jlioll ofdma. The mindsct orlhe people abollt alter death orgilll dOl1:1liol1 is f:llr t!llilUg.h puslti\\! bUi dill.' the social and cultunll norms and values make them apan from ant'r death organ donation and lack of ;Jwareness and facility is also 11 barrier for the pc-ople to lakc- pari In organ domHion. fami ly involvement in decision making, lack or religiOUS awareness, 11.1('1\ or exposure, and socitl i :1nd cultural norms and values arc considered tb Ihe fec il itator fo r low rat e of organ donation aftcr dealh . Increased awareness of the ilnport<'lnce of organ clonal iOIl. People need to be t:IH.:our<lged to be uncI' death donors. Bfrons to educate the people ,mel communities arc llceckd to prollloir ,I\vareness and will ingness to be an organ donor.en_US
dc.publisherQuaid I Azam University Islamabaden_US
dc.titleCultural Understanding of the People about Organ Donation after Death.en_US
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