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Title: Television and masses
Authors: Maria Ahmad
Keywords: Anthropology
Issue Date: 2005
Publisher: Quaid I Azam University Islamabad
Abstract: The topic of my study is "Television and Masses: Designing Public Opinion through Political Talk Shows in Pakistan." I have studied how political talk shows and dialogue forums on private TV are informing and shaping the opinions of the audience. The study involves a comparative analysis of two cOlTimunities to see the difference of opinions and the factors that shape that different opinion. \'X1ith the last military coup in 1999, Musharraf put forth an agenda based on two main themes i.e. promoting a soft image of Pakistan internationally and devolution of power to inculcate transparency. Leftist llberals hold that he opened up inedia to provide the Pakistani side of news as well because during the Kargil crisis, State media blindly supported and mouthed the Government and conseguently, the audiences tuned to Indian Channels for alternative versions of the truth. Others still strongly believe that Musharraf could not have stopped the devolution of media and cannot be credited with media liberation. Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) was established in March 2002 as a direct result of this devolution of power. r\ccording to the PEMRA's mandatei it is "to facilitate the devolution of responsibility and power to the grass-roots by improving the access of the people to mass media at the local and community level" and to "ensure accountability, transparency and good governance by' optimizing the free flow of information." j\ s of December 2005, 40 FM channels are on-air across the country and 11 TV channels are functioning through PEMRA's open bidding process. PEMRr\ inherently, has to cater to government dictation as well as maintain the "soft, democratic image" instead of the dictatorial, military image. These factors coupled with other inefficiencies and ignorance have lead to confusions and battles over legality, defamation, blasphemy and many other broadcast issues e.g. for the second time in 2005, PEMRA has made several blunders . because of legal confusions.
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