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dc.contributor.authorHaroon Asghar-
dc.description.abstractWe present line strengths and transition probabilities for the spectral lines of neon ori ginating due to transitions between the 2p5 3p upper and 2p53s lower configurations based levels. The emission spectra generated by the laser produced neon plasma by focusing a 1064 nm Nd:YAG laser was registered using the LIBS 2000 detection system comprising of five spectrometers covering the region between 200 - 720 nm. Abso lute transition probabilities are calcul ated by using the intensities of the spectral lines covering the region from 540 11111 - 808 nm. The relati ve line strengths of all the dipole allowed transitions are calculated by using the intensity ratios within the multiplets. The experimental results have been compared with the calculated results obtained by the J-File Sum Rule withi n the framework of the four coupling schemes; LS, LK, jcK and jj . The experimental results reveal that LK coupling is the more appropriate scheme to represent these levels in neon.en_US
dc.publisherQuaid I Azam University Islamabaden_US
dc.titleTransition probabilities for the 2p5 3p -> 2p5 3s transitions in neonen_US
Appears in Collections:M.Phil

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