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Title: Human Resource Management System
Keywords: Computer Sciences
Issue Date: 2003
Publisher: Quaid I Azam University Islamabad
Abstract: This software is a generI c HRM whi ch will be impl emented in any g~1I1i atio n aft er cListomi i'.ation. So it is deve lop by keeping in mind ge ll tl req ui rements or llUlll;J1l Resource Management System. Almost all the Human Resource Activiti es are done manuall y in orga ni za ti on where this softv\/are may be imp lemented. Numbers of registers are maintained to keep the different records. Management managed it systematically but it is sti ll time consuming and not effi cient. HR department has to spend a lot of time on such kind of activ iti es catTied out manuall y. Employee received mountains of paper work to manage information about employees. To process numerous applicatio ns is time consuming and costly. So currently all the information is kept in paper files and the maintenance, modification and retri eval of information is very tediolls.
Appears in Collections:M.Sc

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