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Title: In-questing ~ Phytochel1nical and Pharmacological Virtues of Moringa oleifera Lam.
Keywords: Pharmacy
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Quaid I Azam University Islamabad
Abstract: Plants ha .... e always pro .... ed lh·?ir rolc as potential repo it orjc~ or noV'e llead molecules thM led to progression of ne\\ drug discovery ru,d uevclopment The present e.'\pl lll"11IiOil \VOl5 directed to ull ve il lhC' phytochemical .1nc! phannacological spectrum of vurio1l5 pariS i.e., leaf. stem. stem bark and rool (if MfI}'illga o/eijera Lam. b) employing a series of as!inys. Successive extT<1I.:tiuu l11ethod assisted with ulLrasonication was emplo)cd u:,ing a gradient change in solvent po larit y (i.e. n- ': t1nl" eth yl acetate. methanol and water). Ma il11ulT1 cxtt<lction yield was obl,lined in til.: dj li ed Watcf (OW) leaf extract (8.96% \\ /w). Total phe-llolics contcnt computed as gallic neid equivAlent (GAE) und lotDI llill 'Iluids conten t in term s of quercetin equiva lelll (Q£) \\1",, '"1:' noted highest in th e ll1 thal1 li ~ (rvleOH) stem eXlract <llld OW It'af extract with rr~' nclillg values or 5 1.81±O.2 g AE/Ill~ and -45. .56LO.(1 JIg. QE/mg extrac t ~spec ti ye . DPPI r free rad ical sc ~venging potenti;!1 WAS founUmflXilllltlll in th e MeOH leafextruct (IC5.o 1.!.').I 'I Jlg/11l1). Total antiox idant l.:apHcity (llld total reducil1 g power in terms or ascorbic ~lc iJ equi va lent (AAE) were di::.p l<lyed maximal by th e kaf OW c:\trnet and stem MeOI·1 extract (77.7±O.-1 .. tnel I OO ~ I JI g AAE/mg ex tra ct respccliveiy). Notflbk f1 nlibac terial aclivilks \Ve n.: dispIlJ).:d by lea F MeOH and OW c~trncts :lgainsl P. ,It IllgillOStt with correspol1ding NI le va lues of 100 lind 11.11 ~l 11l1 respectively. SimiJarl). root ethyl acetate (EA) extraCt showed significant allt illw,:I.:=:ri,,1 potential flgainsl S. (fllrt'IIS wilh Nile va lue or > I 00 )lg/ml. A moderate anlifungal putentiClI aga inst 11,fllcor sp. was shown by l\lleOI r anu Lr\ ex tracts of slelll with ZOlle of in bib iii 011 of 9±O.1) l1l1d II ± I mill at 100 ~lg disc respec tive I). Leaf Nil extract showed substantial C) tC'lv .kit) ngainst brine shrimps (LCjO 10.17 ~Ig ml). Almost 56% of extr:lCts exhi brll.'d sigllilica nt protein kill<lse ini1ibittll,)' potent ia l againsl S/n·/l/oill.rCt's S5E strai n. NOll-polar ex{nll;t::; sllf''I\ved 110[al,l: III 1';/1'0 alit id iabetic aeti vily via inh ibil iOI1 or ct ·~In ylase whereas. none 0 ,. ti l.::' e:\tral't:. dCll1on:;l rated a-glucosidase inhibition. ~' HT 'Ill l1 ~1i"n l c:\ploration LltlVcils llle pharmtlcologil.:ol ~rt'ctrl1 tl1 of M. o/e Ui.'/'{/ b:I';(.·u 011 th e sfrikin g outcomes. Furthcl' clabornti ve studi cs to r7 ~ii \ til e I.':ltrrcl1t ;n 1';//'0 Ill1diligs :lrc ecot11l11 ded
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