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Title: C# Fact Extractor Phase 2
Authors: Ahmad, Muhammad
Keywords: Information Technology
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad
Series/Report no.: Faculty of Social Sciences;
Abstract: Software systems are growing day by day and becoming more complex due to quickly changing market requirements and upcoming new technologies. Maintenance of software system is an expensive and time taking activity but mostly work of software development is done by maintenance instead of new development. Program comprehension and architectural understanding is very important for maintenance. There is great need to understand the relationships and dependencies between different entities in source code of a software system. The relationships between software entities, their dependencies and organization help understand the nature of the system to better re-establishment of software system. To comprehend an unfamiliar system there is need to understand many things about it. In this regard we demonstrate a reverse engineering approach and carry out detailed study of object oriented relationships to extract relationships from software systems. We have developed FactExtractor that is tool for reverse engineering, maintenance software system. FactExtractor analyzes the software system at source code level. Firstly in first phase my system manages input files of C# project to analyze the source code and will hold all the files and with path and file names and store them in vector for futher processing. Second phase of fact extractor takes input of from previous phase and do lexical analysis of stored files and generate tokens of these files and store these tokens in vector for more processing of next phase. Third phase of fact extractor is to parse these token files and store this information in desired data structure for further processing to the next phase. Fourth phase is build relationships and find out the dependencies. Overall system will identify the source code characteristics, relationships and present the extracted information in XML based formatted structure and text file format as well as. FactExtractor accept C# projects as input from user and generate an abstract representation of information so a user can understand object oriented relationships between software entities. I have developed two phases completed and third phase is half has been done and I am doing this project with my best efforts by the supervision of my respected teacher ―sir Abdul Qudus‖. InshaA ALLAH I will complete this project. Now this system is underdeveloped by me.
Appears in Collections:M.Sc

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