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Title: Ecological Studies of Avifauna in the Naltar Valley, Northern Pakistan with a Conservation Perspective
Authors: Sheikh, Kashif M
Keywords: Environmental Sciences
Issue Date: 2000
Publisher: Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad
Abstract: Mountains around the world and especially in Asia are one of the relatively less explored regions for their biodiversity and conservation wealth. At many platfOll11S and discussions these Asian highlands have been declared as data deficient on biodiversity. The present study was conducted in the Naltar Valley of Northern mountainside of Pakistan, which stands within north-western Karakorum Range. This and the surrounding mountain area in this region have been on low investigation! records in the past and no consistent and reliable data is available on the species ecology especially avian ecology and its environment. Aim of the present study is to investigate the natural enviro1U11ent of the area with focus on the avian biodiversity and their enviroIUllent studying their habitat requirements, breeding biology and its interaction with other components of the local environment. The field investigations were carried out between 1996-1998 and the detailed experimentation! observations were carried out in the study area. Quantitative data on the habitats use and aspects of breeding biology of the species were gathered. The data is further put to statistical measures tlu·ough manual as well as computer software on biodiversity assessment and valuation i.e. BIODIV. Bird species habitat preferences and diversity indices have been calculated. Other aspects of the biodiversity are also studied throwing some light on their current trends with a detailed account on the floral biodiversity issues. The study and actualization of conservation perspectives of the biodiversity follow this exercise. Many factors of the human communities living! visiting! managing in this remote mountain area have been surveyed extensively to gather the social data. Conservation perspectives have further been utilized to describe management implications on the potential future research and management initiatives. The field investigation were fo llowed by data analysis and its interpretation in Pakistan and Gennany, leading to the formulation of a GIS-based Vegetation Map of the study area that explains the overall habitat situation, and other natural and man-made settlements. The overall bird species occurrences have been presented in particular. A total of 100 bird species have been recorded which is so far the highest number from this area. This number is mostly dominated by the Passerijorl1les, represented by a variety of warblers, buntings, finches and tits. Detailed study on the bird diversity of 8 most commonly u(.;cun 11Ig species prm idcd lleweSI inftlrlll:Jlioll on Ihl' usc of habItats by V<lri0US birds. hahi!.tl prt'ft'l\:l1cc:-; and wi til latest details on th(' breeding secrets of ,I ft.:\\ <;p{'ril-<:: I'spl'cwlly bltnl1l1gs ,tlld \\:lrhlt·l's 1'I1l' hr~~cdlllg hlology or rilo<.;cn elghl SPCCI(!S has 1'i .. '\<:all:J that tile/!.: IS !;ollsidel'ahll.! n~\\ lnlimn~lt1l1n Oil lh~ 11,11:1 fI.:g'll'dlll!-, hndy mass. ttlCI\::I$l.:. t'lutcil ,-lnd lime to ncdge. Some or these species secm~ 10 ha\'c chang(!d tilelr Imbitat US\! and extended lhdr bl'~eding range. The presence of some cmkl11ic and five I~ed 1)ata Book avian species has also been detected. Some new records of the species Ilave also been Illade which are the first olles from the valley and this area. The concerl of spccles It fe is discusscu ill detail. Floral diversity s tudied gives useful infonml1iOIl on the uses and com!l1crcial imp0r\;tnce or 157 plant species. Many plan! species having a to·dme Ih.: rball homeopathic medicinal importi\l1ce has also been s tudicd. Many lhrea\s arc occLln-illg to the wild nora caused by extensive human ~lc tiviti es_ The exercise on Iheconservation and dcvelopmcnt issucs providcs an lip 10 dale knowledge on the crucial but pun;ling rcnl life s itll::ttions that are further sllldi cd to favor the possible management options ror the area. The upland serves as the resource areas for the lowlands ill many tlirfcrelll ways. Their delerioralion cause damages 10 lowlands JJ1 many short and iongt~ IIH ways. The study are:l stili supports a good refuge and breeding grOLJIld for a \':Iriet) of <1\ lall ilild Dlhcr plam & anilllal sp~cies that slwu ld he conserved hefon.! the huge detrimel1tal effects (.1f lile upl<lnd dcstruction callscs (!IWII'Ollmclltal prnblclll'i ut local and d1SI;1I11 level.
Appears in Collections:Ph.D

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